Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED)

Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED)
July 13, 2016 itul

Photo courtesy of Jackson Properties

Design out Crime, Design in Value


Security can increase 60-70% with simple changes that protect your property, investments and staff.  Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) principals are now encouraged by law enforcement and community planners worldwide because of their proven effectiveness.

Surveillance cameras, bright lighting, and window placement are the three major components, yet other CPTED elements are highly effective and fairly inexpensive.

  • Shut off outside electrical outlets and water sources to prevent loitering.
  • Lock dumpsters and enclosures.
  • Discourage setting out free items which entice trespassers.
  • Clear the line of sight throughout property with the 2ft/6ft landscape rule.
  • Open blinds and window views onto the street and parking lots.
  • Install mirrors to eliminate hiding, or “ambush” spots.

Power Inn Alliance staff is now CPTED certified and offers free site reviews. For more security-enhancing ideas contact Dawn Carlson or Colin Martin at  or  916-453-8888.

CPTED One Sheet

The photo above incorporates 7 CPTED elements:

Low landscape

Window views onto the property

Bright lighting

Open design

Wide walkways

Seating encouraging pedestrian use

Noticeable entryway